Have you suffered an accident which wasn’t your fault? The British used to poke fun at the Americans for the ease with which they would sue anyone for the slightest thing. But guess what? The Brits are catching on fast! Last year legal firms involved in personal injury claims earned a staggering 310 million pounds.
So, what exactly qualifies as a personal injury? And can these legal firms help you?
Personal injury is a legal term used to describe any form of injury that occurs to a person, including physical harm, as well as any damage caused on an emotional or mental scale.
But, the term has also been used to refer to claims of civil liability in which the plaintiff accuses the defendant of being liable for an injury due to negligence.
What are the common types of personal injuries?
Because injuries can occur in a variety of ways, there are several types of personal injuries. The most common types are as a result of automobile accidents, accidents at the workplace, accidents at home, accidents resulting from defective products, and injuries caused by an assault.
Medical accidents are also included in personal injuries, such as medical malpractice.
Cases that revolve around the development of certain medical conditions or diseases, such as in the case of mesothelioma and asbestosis as a result of exposure to asbestos, are also considered in the category of personal injuries.
What are the legal ramifications of personal injury?
Often, in many cases, those who suffer a personal injury can always be entitled to compensation. If the aggrieved party can prove that the defendant was guilty of causing the injury, either directly or indirectly – as is the case with negligence cases, then the aggrieved party may be rewarded financial compensation by the court.
Personal injury law in the UK can become quite complex and extensive, and therefore, most personal injury cases will require the assistance of qualified and experienced personal injury solicitors.
Apart from the financial compensation directly related to the injuries suffered, the plaintiff can often also be compensated in terms of how the injuries have affected and possibly altered their life.
For example, a person suffers an injury that prevents them from continuing their profession or career, and therefore, causes the loss of wages/salary/income. Compensation can be granted in order to compensate for the loss of time and wages/salary/income from work.
Personal injury lawyers/solicitors
If you suffer a personal injury, it is recommended that you consult an experienced personal injury lawyer to determine the possibility or feasibility of filing a claim for compensation. Legal advice and representation can sometimes be expensive. In many cases, this might put people off the idea of pursuing such a claim.
But, most personal injury lawyers will offer their services for personal injury claims and cases on a contingency basis. This means that the lawyer will not charge fees for their services unless the plaintiff obtains a judgment in their favour.
When considering hiring a personal injury lawyer, look for a firm specialising in the type of injury you suffered. Lawyers typically specialise in certain areas, so if you suffer a medical injury you ideally want an expert medical injury lawyer, or if you suffer a debilitating burn at work, you should seek a burn injury lawyer. Their in-depth experience in the specific sector will only make your case stronger.