There’s no doubt about it, kids love toys! If you make your way to a toy store, we are sure that there will be hundreds of things that your child has decided they simply can’t live without. Although toys of course provide entertainment value, they often also provide your child with an opportunity to learn and we all know education is important. Toys can get their imaginations into gear and encourage them to interact with others.
Toys for Babies
Babies are inquisitive and always keen to know about the world around them – mainly because they still have so much to learn. Anything that is new is a brand new experience for them. It could be anything from the taste, the sound, the shape that creates a whole new learning experience for them. Of course you need to make sure that the toys you are giving your babies are safe, but you can also ensure that they are stimulating to the senses. Generally big winners are rattles, and any toys that make music for babies. In order to develop their vision, it’s also good to be on the lookout for toys that have lots of different and contrasting colours. Things such as building blocks are also great for working on their hand and eye co-ordination.
Toys for Toddlers
There doesn’t need to be too much difference in the toys that toddlers play with. They may still like some of the ones they had when they were babies. As they grow and their knowledge expands – building blocks etc, can still bring a new learning experience to them. They should however also have toys that are specific to their age. Shapes for example are great for that age group as it teaches them to be able to match items and it also means that you can teach them the name of the shapes. Lego offers similar value in that you can teach them symmetry and colours and it is also good for developing their motor skills.
Toys for Children at School Age
When kids get to pre-school or school age it’s important that they start learning things like numbers, letters and language skills. It’s also around the time when toys can get a little more expensive – so make sure you are on the hunt for a good toy sale to get a bargain. There are some top alphabet puzzles that they might like, and there are of course lots of technological gadgets that you can enjoy. you can start getting them used to the kinds of things that they will be learning at school and make the learning process more fun with toys. If there is an educational toy that they really like, they will also be more likely to play with it.
Kids can learn for playing – so don’t worry too much if they are enjoying their favourite toys. If you choose toys that are suitable for them, there is no reason why they can’t learn and have fun at the same time.