Every year millions of pupils drop out of school and it’s extremely alarming a news for society as a whole. Lack of education has far reaching effects, not only for those who couldn’t continue their education but also on our society and culture collectively. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we encourage education to develop a healthier society.
Education helps erase poverty
With better education people are exposed to better employment opportunities and hence, helps them get a better financial state in life. The biggest reason why pupils drop out of school is to work but then they mostly end up in menial work which mostly consists of hard manual labour. It deprives them of an opportunity to get a good employment and a better life than their previous generations did. This continues into a vicious cycle of poverty from which is almost impossible to break without education, which is why it’s crucial for governments to emphasise on education.
Education improves work conditions
The chasm between the educated and those who don’t have access to education is incredibly alarming. People who haven’t been exposed to adequate education are often stuck in low end jobs which mostly consist of manual labour. Not does deprive them from exhibiting and making the best use of their intellectual abilities, it also endangers their life. Often working hours as well as the work conditions are dirty, unsanitary or even downright dangerous. More often than not these conditions flout the health codes but there’s not much action taken, which exposes the workers to germs, disease and leads to health conditions. It decreases the overall life expectancy of the manual workers which warrants strict government intervention to enforce the necessary criteria. Better education can help people be aware of their rights so that they can claim what they are entitled to.
Education increases life expectancy
Surprising it might sound but education contributes to a higher life expectancy. It raises one’s awareness about health and health conditions, which in turn make them take the necessary precautions. People who are aware about the importance of vaccines make sure that their children go through the necessary prophylaxis, which helps in the eradication of diseases and this awareness is brought about with the help of education only. They are also more aware of various health conditions that might afflict them or their children. This ensures that people who are educated about the basics of health go to the doctor whenever they face the slightest discomfort instead of self-medicating or taking resort to superstitions, certain ineffective alternate medicines and treatments or simply, not getting themselves treated.
Better dietary habits
It is important to educate the people about mental health issues and the risks that ignoring mental health can pose. Various factors such as chemical changes in the brain, hormonal imbalance, abuse, trauma etc. contribute to our mental health. Studies by the New York University 纽约大学 has come to the conclusion that bad dietary choices also contribute to mental health problems. It is education which raises the awareness of the importance of taking care of our mental health and overall health in general. Owing to education, people are now prompted to seek medical help in the form of treatments like therapy medication etc. instead of locking a sick person up.
Education is not merely determined by degrees. It’s important to impart informal education as well which will help raise the standard of living and give the society the necessary push to encourage formal education.