The statistics get scarier every year. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn that 70.7% of adult Americans over the age of 20 are overweight. Further, more than half of these people or 37.9% are obese. Researchers and scientists come out with fresh studies each year that encourage you to eat healthy and be wary of the harmful effects of fast foods. Food experts also warn of ingredients like sugar, salt, Trans fats, hydrogenated oils, GMOs, and other elements that can make you very ill.
And, that’s not all. Environmentalists are working hard on raising awareness about the waste generated by not just the consumers of the fast food, but also the companies that prepare and market these products.
It’s Time to Look for Healthier Alternatives
Knowing that you should eat healthy is the easy part. But, the American lifestyle simply does not have the time or energy to shop, maintain kitchens, and cook meals at home. That’s primarily the reason why fast foods have mushroomed across the country and continue to operate in a big way. The San Diego Magazine reports that there are over 160,000 fast food outlets all over the country catering to a clientele of 50 million every day making sales worth more than $110 billion.
So, if not fast food joints, what are your options? Look for other ways to eat healthy like sourcing your meals at diners and restaurants that prepare nutritious meals without the preservatives, additives, and other harmful chemicals and ingredients.
Read ahead for 3 of the most interesting alternatives that are now available to residents of San Diego.
1. Healthy Meals Already Prepared at San Diego’s Plant Power
An interesting solution has emerged in recent times that combines the convenience of the fast food joint with healthy food. Should you stop by at San Diego’s Plant Power that first opened for business in Ocean Beach in 2016; you’ll find a restaurant that takes its green philosophy very seriously. The diner has furniture, plates, and cutlery made with sustainable materials that can be recycled or reused. Plant Power serves you vegan food that is prepared with a certain flair. Diners talk about how they eat healthy and enjoy the meals without even realizing that the dishes are made from vegan ingredients.
More fast food outlets have now adopted the concept. And, it won’t be long before America switches over to meal system that is convenient, matches their busy lifestyles, and cares for their waistline.
2. Healthy Dinners Delivered to Your Home
The service prepares the meals in kitchens close to your home. The ingredients used are mostly sourced from farmer’s markets close by so they are less likely to contain preservatives and other chemicals. The healthy home cooked meals are delivered to your home packed in individual portions in eco-friendly containers that you can use for freezing and microwaving. You can also opt for the reusable containers that the service collects from you later.
3. Mush – The Healthy Food Concept that’s Making Waves on Shark Tank
If you’re really committed to having your family eat healthy, try “Mush.” This novel concept has rocked Shark Tank. And, well, Mark Cuban who has opted to invest $300,000 in the company for a 10% share in it. Mush in Little Italy, San Diego is the brainchild of Kat Thomas and Ashley Thompson who have developed a new range of foods that contain nothing but pure ingredients.
Thomas and Thompson started this venture with their ready-to-eat overnight oats sold in packages of six-ounce pods. The oats are available in five delicious flavors such as dark cacao, apple crisp, vanilla bean, blueberry and the most recently-introduced, coconut cold brew. Each pod contains an oats dish in the consistency of porridge and is enough for more than a single meal. You can refrigerate the leftovers and eat them when you want.
The oats preparation is made by soaking in place of cooking and has a shelf life of eight weeks thanks to the innovative high pressure pasteurization (HPP) processes. HPP helps preserve the food and works just as well as heating to kill pathogens.
Mush has a whole range of possibilities lined up for the residents of San Diego. And, yes! They’re starting to accept orders from all over the country too.
Ready to Switch to the Eat Healthy Concept?
Now that you’re determined to eat healthy, and serve nutritious meals to your family, know that fast food joints are not the only answer. Plus, there are healthy foods that makes you happy. You do have other options lined up that are packed with nutrition and goodness, and won’t target your waistline!