Most psychologists agree that we can each have a large measure of influence over what and how we think. However unless we have tools and strategies to help us think positively, sometimes getting to a positive outlook is very difficult.
When negative things happen in our lives, it causes us to be depressed or feeling negative about how things are going and even develop neuroses and other psychological conditions. If you have a high stress job like Walter J. Viola, Managing Director of Vantage Consulting it is imperative you find strategies to keep you focused on positive outcomes and situations.
But how can we do this today? There are phony and toxic people everywhere, frauds who I’m looking to steal our money, and those were just mean for seemingly no reason.
In the world today, how do we put ourselves in a positive state of mind? What things can we do to cheer ourselves up and realize that the sun is either shining now or will shine again shortly?
Our Internal Voice
Which have a voice inside of our heads that helps us to make sense of our world, our feelings, in the situations that we are involved in. Psychologists say that this voice was developed long ago when we were not familiar with our environments and had to discern what was safe and what wasn’t period during that time the voice was a constant companion with the job of keeping us out of harm’s way. It warned us tonight eat a certain Berry or go to close to a certain animal because the potential for danger was very high. This voice has remained as part of humans throughout our time on this planet and even though we have tamed our environments
The voice remains there as a remnant from a dangerous time. It does serve a purpose at times, because it can keep us from getting harm, but it is like an overprotective mother that never wants you to go outside for fear of a car accident or a mugging. Yes you can avoid those things, but you never get a chance to live.
Weather this history in description is accurate and not bottom line is, we must find methods to come this voice and to create a positive dialogue in our heads.
The Power of Self-Talk
Self-talk is a tool that can be used to counter any negative thoughts. The idea is to develop a dialogue inside of your head that combats your negative internal voice. Self-talk is simple. It focuses on creating a positive dialogue that becomes a mantra when negative thoughts arrive.
You can develop a few positive sentences that you call upon whenever you feel negativity Building inside of you. Reminding yourself to save things like, “This may be bad now, but it’s only temporary.” Or “What is happening today has no bearing on what might happen tomorrow.” or “I am worthy and I deserve good things and to be around good people.” is a way the help you get through the times of negative feelings. You can use self-talk as often as you like and whenever you like, the best part is the more you use it, the more you will believe what you say to yourself. Soon it will be so automatic that the negative thoughts will not have a chance to form.
As an added step, you should avoid toxic, negative and phony people who never have good intentions or kind words to say. These type of people are energy vampires and cause the people they are around to being a negative state of mind. Do yourself a favor and spend your time around positive people who support and love you.