You may be wondering if a virtual LAN is right for you. But what is a virtual LAN? In a conventional LAN, a group of devices are connected through a single physical location. This is opposed to a virtual LAN, in which devices are configured in such a way as to communicate with each other, regardless of their geographic area. There are a number of benefits to having your network set up this, especially it’s for your business. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at how having a virtual LAN can help you and your business to succeed. Here are four benefits of having a virtual LAN.
Performance: Performance is among the main reasons to have a virtual LAN. With a traditional LAN, traffic can become more and more congested as your network becomes bigger. This makes the overall performance of each device in your network slower. A virtual LAN is able to overcome this problem by managing traffic in a more efficient way. Having a virtual LAN is necessary if you don’t want your performance to suffer as you network gets bigger. After all, time is money, and slower performance can end up costing you in the long run.
Security: Virtual LANs also have the advantage of being more secure than a traditional LAN. This is because virtual LANs are able to logically separate traffic from other networks. This prevents those other networks from being able to access sensitive data that you don’t want them to see. In a more conventional LAN, data would be sent across the entire network, making it easier for anyone to see. Thus, having a virtual LAN gives you more overall control over who sees what information.
Cost: Another major advantage that a virtual LAN provides is its cost effectiveness. This is because a virtual LAN cuts down on the need for expensive routers. In a regular LAN, the only way to connect multiple networks to one another would be to buy more routers. A virtual LAN eliminates this need. This becomes especially important as your business grows, and you need multiple departments to communicate with each other. At this point, a virtual LAN will become necessary to keep costs down.
Simplification: In business, it’s normal for an employee to move from one department to the other. This can cause problems in a normal LAN. This is because all of your routers will need to be reconfigured whenever there’s a change in the network. This can prove to be quite costly in the long run. A virtual LAN helps eliminate this problem as there’s no longer any need to reconfigure your routers. Since changes within your network are likely to happen on a regular basis, having a virtual LAN is a good idea.
If you’ve decided to have a virtual LAN for you, you can get one at Memset Hosting. They offer a number of different plans depending on what you’re looking for. Every plan is affordable and will provide you with the kind of service you need to meet your requirements.