If you’re unsure of whether or not it’s worth hiring a family lawyer, simply continue reading to discover 4 key reasons why it’s definitely well worth having a family lawyer on call.
The importance of a family lawyer:
1. A family lawyer can help you draw up a will
No matter how old you are, it’s well worth having a will drawn up, so that your family will be well taken care of, when you pass away. While many individuals choose to wait until they retire or their health fails in order to have a will processed, it’s well worth having a will in place, in-case you’re involved in a serious accident or are diagnosed with a serious illness.
Having a will written up is incredibly important if you have more than one child or grand child and want to ensure that each child or grandchild is given a fair share of any assets which you may leave behind. Common examples of which include property as well as investments and cash. It is ideal to have the will completed so that you can avoid the stress of not knowing if your children are left with any money or investments to help them out.
2. A family lawyer can help you file for divorce
If you ever decide to file for divorce, it’s best to seek legal advice from a family lawyer as soon as possible as a family lawyer will ensure that you receive all the assets which you are entitled to. As an example, if you hire a family lawyer, there is little chance that your former partner will be able to take 100% control of any property which you purchased together.
If you share children with your former spouse family lawyers Parramatta will also be able to negotiate a fair custody agreement, which will ensure that you are granted adequate time with the children which you share with your former spouse.
3. A family lawyer can help you set up a family trust
If you wish to hand down property to your children but don’t want your children’s future spouses to try to claim a portion of a family home, in the event of a nasty divorce, it’s well worth starting a family trust. Which will ensure that any family assets which you may own, such as property, will be protected, not just for the short term but for the foreseeable future.
4. A family lawyer can help you write up a prenuptial agreement
If you plan on tying the knot to the love of your life a family lawyer can also help you draft up a prenuptial agreement, which both you and your partner are 100% happy with.
While prenuptial agreements may have a little stigma, it’s a wise idea to protect any assets which you have accumulated as a single man or woman by drafting up a fair prenuptial agreement, which protects the assets of both parties.
So if you’ve been contemplating whether it’s worth getting in contact with a family lawyer, before you require the services of an experienced family lawyer, it’s definitely worth hiring a qualified family lawyer today!
As you should never wait until you require the services of a family lawyer, to book an appointment as most lawyers will serve their long term clients before new clients.